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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

5 reasons banks don't get it (and a few banks that do)

(Money Magazine) -- You might think your bank would be rolling out the red carpet for you right now. Barely a year ago the biggest players nearly obliterated themselves and the economy with freewheeling lending practices and needed your tax dollars to bail them out. And with investment banking and commercial lending shaky for now, banks need your retail business more than ever.

Yet financial institutions seem to be alienating customers in droves. Just 35% of people feel highly committed to their bank, down six percentage points from 2007, according to a recent J.D. Power & Associates study.

The most common reasons people now switch? High fees and poor service, reports Javelin Strategy & Research. But given the importance of retail business to the industry, "banks have to make their customers' lives easier. The ones that recognize that will have an enormous competitive advantage," says Greg McBride of

Besides, the things that would make your life easier are far from outrageous requests. They're innovations that some banks and credit unions have already shown it's possible to deliver, like lower fees, smarter technology, and help from a live human being. Take note, banks: You want happy customers who will gladly hand you their cash? Grant them the five things on this wish list.

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