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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Dear santa ,please Bring cash

Show of hands: What kid doesn't like getting cash as a gift?
That's what I thought. So explain to me exactly why people would bother setting their alarm clocks so they can be in the mall parking lot at 5 a.m. the morning after Thanksgiving, when the perfect holiday gift can be had at the drive-through ATM on your way home from work Wednesday night.
Cash cacheMaybe opening an envelope to ogle a check from Grandma doesn't exactly scream "Kodak moment." But when the candy-cane holiday high wears off, a thoughtful financial present will bring smiles for many holidays to come. And, more practically, let's be honest: Licking an envelope is a lot easier than wrapping an awkwardly shaped present that no one will remember two months from now.
If forking over a few crisp $20s to Junior feels a tad gauche, read on for a few ideas to dress up that gift of green and make it multiply.

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